Thursday, June 07, 2007

I bought this dress the other day but now I'm not sure about it,I like it but I'm not sure if it suits me.I keep doing this just lately,buying items that I love but dont work for me.


TotallyUn-Pc said...

did you bandage your wrist up too? seems to be the in look this summer.... Chic fractures?

Anonymous said...

You heathen Tupc! It's a bangle, big bangles are all the rage dontcha know! As is monochrome, which is black & white ;)
Thanks for the link btw :o)

Anonymous said...

& TRTMH, fab dress. Where is it from? I like it alot, I need to stop looking at lovely stuff at the mo!

thoughts running through my head.... said...

I missed your bandage comment tupc,its not me anyway!!*rolls eyes at Dad-like comment*
GND its TS via Ebay but I'm not sure it does anything for me,I was the same with the KM Pansy dress which I have now sold onto a fellow fashion girl!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it, if you decide it isn't for you, give me a nod!

thoughts running through my head.... said...

Pol,its a 14 ,I am going to try it on again and see if I can get a 12 so its not so puffy on the sleeves,but if you want this one let me know-we are making a habit of this! ;-)I sold my Kate Moss Pansy dress to Nursie cos that didnt look right on me either-I think I must have massive shoulders or something?!