Wednesday, January 16, 2008

hug a granny day,kind of.........

today must have been a secret pensioners day out or something cos I have seen literally hundreds of them out and about,and they were so cute!!!All of them were cheeky little grannies with curly grey hair and twinkles in their eyes rather than the miserable old git kind,and they all love chatting to police,especially when you pretend to be looking for them,its an old joke but they love it!
I also like talking to the oldies cos they are so friendly and kind of grateful for the chatter,plus I always think of how things must be so different for them these days and I worry about some of them being out and about with some of the riff raff out there!Isnt it funny how they always tell you their age too?One old lady who was wearing a loud fuschia coat said 'I'm 85 you know,and I look after the old folk!' and another one told me how her dead daughter had been in the job,and how much she supported the police,bless 'em!


Dark Side said...

My mum always makes me laugh when she see's someone old and they talk incesantly, she says it's because they must live on their own and have no one to talk sure what her excuse is though, she does live on her own but has lots of friends around her to talk too but try to put the phone down when she is in full swing herself and you will hear all about Di's drinking and Doris's hip....xx

Carlito86 said...

Aww, I love the oldies sometimes, they're so cute. There's a little old lady who always talks to me at the bus stop and I love her!

Annette said...

Yes, 99% of them are great.I love them. It's just the odd cantankerous ones (if thats how you spell it!!)that spoil it.
but you are right, the majority of them are lovely.

Area Trace No Search said...

Thoughts... do you have a blog email address? If so can I have it, or can you email me?


thoughts running through my head.... said...

ATNS,I'll email you