I was sitting there and thinking 'what am I doing here?' All that flirting and fun (not that sort of fun)we have at work didnt translate outside of work for me,plus I was stressing over court the next day which didnt help.Inside work he is confident and outside I could see he wasnt.I can tell it wont go anywhere,I need someone who has some standing in life and can look after me,not the other way around.*sigh* why do I get myself into these things?
On a better note,I heard from 2 old friends this week.One was via Facebook from a place I worked at years ago,he has done well for himself and lives in a posh apartment in the town I used to live in-who'd have thought it?We are going to meet up when I'm next up there.The second friend is a girl I was at training school with.She is in a force on the other side of the country,so I cant wait to meet her and catch up over drinks next week-I've got lots of gossip to tell her about people in our class.
Bought this book as well this week
-its very good if you are into that whole LA look that Nicole Richie does so well,or Rachel Zoe does so well for her!I also bought some vintage 1950's 3/4 length leather gloves from Ebay for a bargainous price.
Aww never mind at least you tried and know not to try him again..xx
I'm sorry about that, as emma said you know what to expect from him.
Maybe when you meet up with your friend from long ago........
Sorry to hear that, I think that work relationships have way too much expectation attached to them, adds an element of stress before it even starts!
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